Ivan Pavlov
1.Ivan Pavlov was working to study the secrets of the digestive system and the releasement of saliva from a dogs mouth.
2. Ivan had a dog, he tied him down and through an operation, switched the salvitory glands and made it so the saliva would go into the tubes connected to the dogs cheeks. Every time the dog was eating, saliva would pour into the tubes. then he started making a series of variables, every single time he would give the dog food he would ring a bell and it would tick and after the tick the dog was given the food. Then, as soon as the dog started hearing the ringing, saliva began to pour into his mouth. the dog had related the noise to the ticking sound and knew when the sound was made that he was going to be given food.
3.The condition stimulus was the bell ringing, the uncondition stimulus was the food that was given to the dog and the condition response was the salivation of the dog.
4.Extinction is the eventual dissapearance of the conditioned response.
5. this is when the conditioned response happens too many times without the uncondition response, if the dog hears the bell way to many times but does not get the food when the bell is rung.
6. Stimulus discrimination is when someone or thing learns to respond to one but not to another.
7. The limitations are that it could be different for humans and he only tried it on one species of animal.
8. Pavlov said that we learn through association
John Watson
1. John Watson made an experiment on human behavior. He used a subject called ¨Little Albert¨ a small todler. The young boy was introduced different animals such as rats, monekys, dogs, and he never showed a negative response towards them. Then, the young boy was shown the rat, but whenever the rat was given to him a loud bang on a pipe was made, this starteled the young boy, but soon he started to relate the sound to the rat so he showed a negative response whenever the rat or other furry animals were present.
3. the conditioned stimulus of the experiment was the white rat, the unconditioned stimulus was the banging of the pipe, and the conditioned response was little alberts negative reactions to the animals.
4. Two limitations of this study are that 1 he only used one subject and thats it, the second is that it cannot be repeated because it is un human.
5.Most often evenets are linked together, the strongest one will be the association.
6. The response that has most recentlz occured after a single stimulus is the response most likely to be associated with that one stimulus.
7. Watson believed that he could turn someone into whoever he wanted, through human behavior, say a serial killer an athlete or a genius.
Sources Used:
1. http://nobelprize.org/educational/medicine/pavlov/readmore.html
2. http://www.vivo.colostate.edu/hbooks/pathphys/misc_topics/pavlov.html
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_B._Watson
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Sleep Articles

The second article I read was also poster by Science Daily. This study was related to teenage sleep and depression and fatigued students. A rhode island school delayed their entrance time by just 30 minutes, and the number of students who got 7 hour of sleep or less decreased by 80%. That is a drastic number, 80% of students get more than 7 hours of sleep daily with just a 30 minute delay entrance time. This is a very important study relating that our school enstead of starting 30 min later, they actually cut the entrance time by 30 minutes, and students feel more fatigued, tired, less motivated to participate in anything in any class because we are all just so tired. Our school should do this, it would help greatly.

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