Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Human Brain

The word hemisphere, when talking about the brain refers to the two sides of the brain, the right and the left.
The main differences with the right and the left side of the brain are many. The right processes information by seeing the big pictures first, not the details. It sees the big picture and then can process the details. However, the left side is the opposite to this. The left side processes information like a puzzle, it finds different pieces and links them up for the big picture.
It is a wide flat bundle of neural fibers beneath the cortex, this links the left and right hemispheres and aids in communication between the two.
Paul Broca studied the brains of aphsic patients, his first being a man nicknamed tan, who could not speak any other words but “tan”. He soon realized that “tan” had a lesion caused by syphilis in the left cerebral hemisphere. Paul concluded that this area important for speech production.
In the 1960’s there was no cure for people suffering a special kind of epilepsy than by cutting of the connection between the two hemispheres. The brain was split into two, each side could still learn but one had no idea what the other side had experienced.  
Karl Wernick discovered the “Wernicks Area” (the second area responsible for speech, the first is Broca’s), he did this by researching those people who had brain injuries that caused aphasia, just like Paul Broca.
The Optical lobe is responsible for vision, it is on the rear part of the brain.  
The temperal lobes are most responsible for hearing and language, there is one on each side just above the ears.
The frontal lobe is responsible for problem solving which would involve mathematics.
The Parietal lobe is responsible for all of this.


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